EPISODE 8: Religion in Eora

EPISODE 8 is now available on a variety of podcast outlets. Here are direct links for the iTunes and Spotify versions.

Episode 008 includes both American and European fans discuss religion in video games and how religion plays a key role in the world of Eora, the setting for Avowed. Enjoy!

EPISODE 007: Tour of Eora

EPISODE 7 is now available on a variety of podcast outlets. Here are direct links for the iTunes and Spotify versions.

Episode 007 includes both American and European fans giving you an overall tour of Eora, the setting for Avowed. Enjoy!

NOTE: We will be taking a break for the rest of the year. Look for regular podcasts to return in January 2021.

EPISODE 006: BG3 Impressions & WHAT IS AN RPG?

EPISODE 006 is now available on a variety of podcast outlets. Here are direct links for the iTunes and Spotify versions.

Episode 006 includes both American and European fans discussing impressions from playing the early release of Baldur’s Gate 3. We also answer the question, “What is an RPG?” Finally, we address a few listener emails. Enjoy!


EPISODE 05 is now available on a variety of podcast outlets. Here are direct links for the iTunes and Spotify versions.

Episode 005 includes both American and European fans discussing the early release of Baldur’s Gate 3. What can we expect? What does early release mean? Does BG3 emulate the D&D 5th Edition experience? We also address a few listener emails.


EPISODE 004 is now available on a variety of podcast outlets. Here are direct links for the iTunes and Spotify versions.

Episode 004 includes both American and European fans discussing Microsoft’s purchase of ZeniMax Media, which includes Bethesda Game Studios. How might this acquisition affect the RPG landscape, the Elder Scrolls franchise and Avowed?


EPISODE 003 now available on a variety of podcast outlets. Here are direct links for the iTunes and Spotify versions.

Episode 003 includes both American and European fans discussing the Avowed rumor posted on July 26, 2020. Here is a link to that post: https://www.resetera.com/threads/xbox-game-studios-otx-you-had-me-at-halo.246538/page-252#post-40806123

EPISODE 002: The TRAILER (Europe cast)

EPISODE #2 is now available on a variety of podcast outlets. Here are direct links for the iTunes and Spotify versions.

Episode 002 includes European fans discussing the Avowed trailer that was released during the XBOX Games Showcase on July 23, 2020. In addition to Tsora, the host, you will hear from Viggy (zeratulsblade on Reddit), Parenthesis (CommandObjective on Reddit), and Alex.

Episode 003, which addresses the rumor leak in detail, includes both North American fans and European fans and comes out next week on Sept. 24th.

EPISODE 001: The Trailer (NA Cast)

Episode 001 is now available on a variety of podcast outlets. Here are direct links for the iTunes and Spotify versions.

Episode 001 includes North American fans discussing the Avowed trailer that was released during the XBOX Games Showcase on July 23, 2020. In addition to Tsora, the host, you will hear from Jedmandu, Kavelry, and Jesse. Jesse can also be found on Twitter (@ToddIsMyMom) and on Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/Dinum/).

Episode 002, which also address the Trailer, will feature a group of European fans and comes out this Friday, September 18, 2020.

First episode coming…

First Avowedcast Episode Dropping Soon!

We are excited to let you know that our first episode will drop during the first week of September. In our first episode, we will focus on examining the game’s trailer, discussing expectations and breaking down rumors. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or Spotify for the best results!

As always, if you want to drop us questions, comments, observations, or anything else, you click on the “Contribute” link above to send us emails, leave voice messages, share art via Google drive, etc. etc. We would love to hear from you and will share your submissions on the next podcast!


Welcome to Avowedcast

Avowedcast is a fan podcast for Obsidian Entertainment’s AVOWED video game. Created by fans for fans, this podcast belongs to the fan community. You can find our podcast on iTunes, Spotify, and other platforms.

We are currently working on our website. Please pardon the mess. Check back soon as we hope to have the website launched by September 1, 2020. Thank you for your support and patience! See you soon.